So there as been a huge craze in Los Angeles with the birth of a new alcoholic beverage called Four Loko. Its a mix of malt liquor, energy juice and artificial fruit flavoring. Four Loko has about 6 or more flavors available now from Lemonade, Fruit Punch and Watermelon just to name a few. The average price is about $2.99 plus tax and personally if your looking to get faded quickly it does the trick. My brestfriend Tiff and I always says "Four Loko + 30 minutes and I'm on". My only issue with Four Loko's is they give the worst hangovers ever and I am speaking from experience. I've heard quite a few people talk badly about people who drink Four Loko's and in my opinion I could give two shits as Lil Wayne said "Don't worry about what's in my cup". I'm the type of person that likes what I like and I do what I want to do so when everyone goes right I'm in the left lane doing my own thing. Hit up your local liquor store and get a Four Loko in your life.